The morning after a very long election night, the Durham (NC) Chapter, led by it’s Friendship Activities Committee, was elated to partake in “Random Acts of Kindness.” We delivered a beautiful and delicious breakfast to the Go Durham city bus drivers, while practicing social distancing and of course wearing masks. Initially we had explored how we could serve them at their bus stops around the city, however, ultimately decided this could not be done safely, in the era of COVID-19. So, they were treated at their main bus terminal office. We delivered and set up and then departed, so that the drivers could freely come in at their leisure and we could be certain for following all CDC guidelines for our Link members. The drivers and staff of 60 enjoyed Chik Fil A biscuits, orange juice, water, coffee and Dunkin’ Donuts! They were overwhelmed with gratitude and were blown away by our kindness. According to a Go Durham representative, “This morning was a great success! Thank you for your members and for supplying the food for our operators. The food went fast!”
It was clear that Durham’s bus drivers are seldom applauded in this very special way. Behind the scenes and on the scene, our Link sisters are paying attention to the needs of our community and delivering!